Client Services: 928-634-1077

Sedona Exterior House Painters

January 4th, 2023 by

YES, we only use name brand paints that have proven their reliability, standing up to the harsh weather we can experience here in Sedona and the Verde Valley.

YES, we take great care to cover and protect your windows, decks and outdoor furnishings.

YES, we clean up and remove the materials we use when we are finished.

YES, we invest the time and effort in the time-honored techniques that result in a superior application.

FOR EXAMPLE: As we spray the paint on your homes exterior we then follow behind and BACK ROLL by hand. This forces the paint down into your Stucco which contains myriads of pockets, voids and ridges

Makes sense right?

Check out our 26 FIVE STAR reviews on google and reach out to us. We are looking forward to giving you a quote soon.

PS: We are just as picky when painting the inside of your home!

scpc paint company – Google Search


Sedona House Painters

February 17th, 2022 by

Every house we paint receives the same attention to detail with top quality paint and materials.

We treat your home like it was our own!

(928) 634-1077

“W” Equals Wall Painting Success

January 24th, 2022 by


What is The W Technique?

If your goal is to get paint on the wall, then why do you need a certain technique? Can’t you just get some paint on the roller and roll it on the wall any old way? Straight lines up and down seem logical. Or lines stacked straight across from top to bottom. And yet it’s recommended that you actually draw W’s all over you walls with the roller when painting.


Maybe be because W is for Wall, right? Well, I suppose that’s one theory. But really the easy answer is because it saves paint and prevents streaks and large globs of paint. Now right about now you’re wondering, how in the world does drawing a W on the wall save paint?


Well, here’s how, but first lets go over how it’s done.

How To Roller the W Technique

1. Load your roller with paint and be sure to get the excess paint off so it’s not dripping when you pick it up and it’s evenly distributed throughout the roller.

2. Place the roller on the wall near a corner and create a large 3 foot wide “W” on the wall.

3. Don’t take the roller off the wall now go back over the wet paint and fill in until you have a 3 foot square of painted wall.

4. Fill the roller with more paint and repeat this method doing sections at a time like this.

Now that you know how to do it, can you imagine why just painting straight lines across the walls might now work so well? Still unsure, well here’s why.

Why The W Technique is Recommended by Professional Painters

The W method is a great way to evenly and quickly apply paint. By the way, it’s very important to make sure you complete the wall you’re working on before taking a break. So be sure you have everything properly taped off and set up before you start. This way you will avoid any uneven coverage on your wall or streaks. Working with the paint while it’s still wet will help you get a much more even coat of paint on your walls.

Because you are going over the wet paint with your roller as you go you can evenly spread the paint which will save you paint and time in the long run. You won’t have to constantly be adding more paint to you roller to get the right amount of coverage because you’re always just redistributing the paint you already had on the roller.

Now that you know how to do the W technique and why it’s done, will you be painting your room in any other way?

As licensed house painters in Sedona and Cottonwood we are the house painters of choice for proud home owners like you! Keep us in mind for epoxy garage floors and cabinet refinishing.

SCPC Paint Company

Office 928-634-1077
Cell 928-821-1645

Confused in Sedona?

December 21st, 2021 by



You have got to get your walls painted up on the wall and you’ll hear all kinds of suggestions on what you should do as far as using a primer, or no primer at all, or a paint with a primer already mixed in? Hey, wait a minute this sounds like the best of both worlds, paint and primer in one.


Why would anyone ever choose something else if they can save themselves a step and avoid priming the walls and then going back and painting? Well, here are the benefits and the disadvantages to using paint alone, priming first then painting, or using a paint and primer that’s already mixed.


If you aren’t actually changing the color of the room and are just touching up the existing color, then you don’t need to prime first. This is because the color from the old paint isn’t going to tint the new paint color. So when you are doing an exact match paint, you can skip the primer entirely and everything will look just fine.


The real debate comes in when you are deciding between using a paint with a primer already in it or purchasing a primer and then doing a top coat. You will always want to use one of these types of methods though if you are going with a complete color change. Especially if it’s drastic like going from a dark color to a light color or vice versa.

So what would make someone actually take the time to prime first and then paint a room? Generally speaking the benefit of a stand-alone primer is less coats of paint on a wall with a major color change or if covering over stains.



When the paint and primer are mixed together you don’t have to worry about getting the wrong tint to the primer because it just goes straight in with the paint. For amateur painters there is a cost savings and certainly a time savings as well.

If you think all of this painting work…sounds like a lot of effort, it is.


If you live in Sedona, Cottonwood or the Verde Valley and have better things to do with your time give SCPC Paint Company a call at 928-634-1177 or visit our website. For over 20 years we have been a licensed and bonded contractor expertly painting and preserving homes for discriminating home owners like you.


December 15th, 2021 by


Whether indoors or outdoors thoroughly preparing the surface is the foundation to a quality paint job. Here are some prep steps to a successful project.


Covering all of the furnishings that cannot be removed from the area is important. Far too many people have assumed that they will be extra careful and ended up ruining something. Be sure to cover electrical outlets with masking tape. If painting an interior room mask the door handles and most people forget about the hinges which can be a real pain to scrape the paint off of later.

No matter what you use to paint (brushes, rollers, or sprayers) there’s bound to be drips on the floor. No matter how careful you are. So it’s important that you cover the floor. Put some painters tape on the baseboards all around the room. Then lay a cloth drop cloth on the floor overlapping the tape. If the floor is carpeted then make sure you push half an inch of tape behind the carpet with a scraper to keep the entire carpet protected.


You must be sure the surface you are paintings is clean and dust free. There’s nothing worse than a splotchy paint job because of dust and debris left on the work surface. So clean the walls with a damp cloth. If the area has oil residue like your kitchen then you will need to use a degreasing cleaner. For outdoor surfaces use a pressure washer to prepare the surface. Be careful not to get too close to the surface or you may end up with a stucco repair.


You should also putty up any holes in the wall. If there are larger holes be sure you repair those properly as needed with wall compound and tape. Speak with your local hardware store to find out the best way to repair walls before you begin painting, especially if large repairs are needed.

For paint that is peeling you will want to scrape and sand prior to painting. Painting over paint that’s chipping is just going to be a waste of your time!


This isn’t always a necessary step, but for surfaces that haven’t been painted before, or if you are going from a dark color to a light color the surface will accept the paint better if they have been primed first. You will need less coats of paint to get the desired color and coverage.

Making sure that you have properly prepared to paint is of the utmost importance. Once you have covered, masked, repaired, cleaned, and primed all surfaces you will be so happy you took that extra time to do that extra work. The results will be far better and ultimately you’ll find will last longer if done correctly.

If you think all of this prep work…sounds like a lot of work, it is.


If you live in Sedona, Cottonwood or the Verde Valley and have better things to do with your time give SCPC Paint Company a call at 928-634-1177 or visit our website.


For over 20 years we have been a licensed and bonded contractor expertly painting and preserving homes for discriminating home owners like you.


Paint Finish Type for Interior Walls

November 23rd, 2021 by


Think That’s All There Is To It?

Just walk into the big box paint store and walk out with the perfect paint to go on the walls?

Well, that would be great, but besides the overwhelming choice of “what color” you’re going to have decide what kind of finish? Choose the wrong finish and the color goes from perfect to YECH!!

So here are the different kinds of paint finishes you should consider.

As the name would suggest this has a flat finish to it. It’s usually used on interior walls and is great for camouflaging small imperfections in the wall like bumps or cracks because it does not reflect light. This paint might scratch easily, so keep some paint on hand to make minor repairs to the walls. Ceilings can be painted with a matte finish because it’s not going to have any wear or tear.

This finish can stand up to a good scrubbing so use this paint in bath rooms and hallways.

This paint has a very slight gloss to it, kind of like an eggshell, therefore the name. Unlike its name though this is a sturdy paint which holds up better than flat paint. So go ahead and put it on your walls and fear not when it comes to cleaning the walls.

For a more velvety look with very little shine try the satin finish. This is a great paint to use in high traffic areas. Kid’s bedrooms do well with a satin finish. Try it in kitchens or bathrooms too.

You don’t really want to put a semi-gloss paint on the walls. This is best for trim or painting cabinets. It has a little gloss to it, but not too much to be distracting. It’s important to prepare the surface properly before applying because every little flaw will be highlighted by the slight glossiness to this paint.

This is a reflective paint. It’s not used much for interiors, but for a dramatic effect it can be used on trim, cabinets, and furniture. It gives almost an enamel/plastic look. But be aware any imperfections in the surface are going to be highlighted with this finish so make sure you prepare the surface well or you’ll be disappointed with the outcome.

Always remember, the key to good painting is going to be proper preparation. It doesn’t matter what kind of paint you use if you ignore the preparation of the surface.
Office 928-634-1077
Cell 928-821-1645

How to keep your walls looking new?

November 2nd, 2021 by



How to Keep Your Walls Looking New?

So, you just made the investment to have your interior painted so how do you keep them looking new for years? Here in windy Arizona dust is the first problem. Dust is a magnet for the oils from your skin which is one reason the area around light switches gets so dirty after a few months. Plan on dusting your walls at least a couple of times a year. The easiest solution is to use a Swiffer pole and dusting pads. Its super light making it very easy to complete this annual chore.


Sometimes life happens and you find some stains on your walls. Here are some of the common stains and how to remove them.


You’ll need a dull scraping tool like a butter knife, dish washing soap, a soft cloth, and a dry towel. Use the scraping tool to remove any excess crayon off the wall. With the dish washing soap and a little water rub the spot and the crayon should lift right up off the wall. Then dry the area with the towel.


You will need hairspray (yep, hairspray) , soft rag, and toothpaste. Spray with the hairspray. Rub gently with the towel or rag. Whatever ink remains then apply a thin layer of toothpaste and allow to sit for ten minutes. Then using a damp rage wipe it clean .

Coffee or Wine

These generally aren’t hard to remove. If you don’t catch them right after they happen then you will need mild detergent, warm water, a cloth, and a dry towel. Don’t use a lot of detergent, just enough to get a few bubbles. Moisten your cloth in the detergent solution and gently rub the wall. Dry with another cloth.

How To Clean Walls Painted With Latex Paint

Use warm water and a non-abrasive all-purpose cleaner to clean the walls. Wash around where light switches are and doors as these are high touched areas. For spots that just won’t come off such as fingerprints or scuffs make a paste out of baking soda and water. If that still doesn’t work, then put a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a cloth and gently rub the spot to get it clean. Regular cleaning of the walls will help with these stubborn stains.

How To Clean Walls Painted With Oil Based Paint

Walls with oil based paint can be washed similarly to those painted with latex paint. But if you have stubborn fingerprints you should use a mixture of liquid dish detergent mixed in warm water and white vinegar. Lightly daub the stain with your cleaning solution and allow to sit for ten minutes. Then blot to remove the stain.

If the walls are textured they’ll catch lots of dust so it will require a deeper cleaning. Good old fashioned borax mixed with water will deep clean the area just don’t scrub hard or you can affect the appearance of the paint which could be as annoying as the stain was.

Pick your paint colors the easy way

October 6th, 2021 by





Overwhelmed With Trying to Decide What Color to Paint Your Walls?

Hey, we get it! Choosing the perfect paint color for your walls that compliments your décor can be a difficult task. In fact, most people admit it’s their biggest challenge since it’s the foundation that creates the feeling in your entire living space.

It really boils down to asking yourself a few questions such as….

What kind of color appeals the most to you?

I know that sounds basic but keep in mind that there are a number of tinting variations for each color. So, choosing a single color can simplify this process considerably.

What mood are you trying to create for your room?

The environment of a room changes daily, or even hourly based on the amount of natural light or interior light sources. It can be very helpful to take a phone photo every hour during the day and then compare them to each other to see how day light

Visit your paint retailer and pick up a few differently tinted paint swatches and tape the sample color(s) on your wall in a place that receives all the different day and nighttime lighting. Take time to view these swatches in the morning and at night. This will help you to understand the effect lighting has on your color choice.

Next Your Interior Furnishings and Decorations?

Are you keeping your current furnishings or adding a feature piece? If so, this new furnishing can become the focal point and inspire the choice of the paint colors. If your couch is monotone, then you definitely don’t want to go with the same wall color as the couch. Do you have accent pillows on your couch? Pull a color from there.

Of course, you’ve got to consider the color of your carpeting and floors and don’t forget the moldings and baseboards. If you are still struggling to pick between two colors, then try to figure out a way you can use both. One as an accent color on the molding and trim and one on the walls.

Some paint manufacturers have recently started doing the heavy lifting for you by grouping colors into a palette that helps you to picture which colors to use. In fact, there are some phone apps that let you take a picture of your room and upload it to their software and click on the walls and the color you like will appear, how cool is that?

If you’re exhausted with the process of choosing your interior paint colors please reach out to us at  SCPC Paint Company. For over 20+ years we have been the licensed and insured house painters of choice for happy homeowners in Sedona, Cottonwood, Camp Verde, Jerome and the rest of the Verde Valley.

5-STAR Google Reviews

August 4th, 2021 by

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of our customers who have left us a Goggle review.

You can read them here:

Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing

July 30th, 2021 by

Why Tear Out Your Cabinets if They Are in Good Condition?

Save a bundle and change your look by having SCPC Paint Company apply a professional finish to your cabinets CALL 928-634-1077 for a prompt quote!