Author: scpcpaintco
Freshen up Your Interior Paint With a Little Elbow Grease
One thing COVID-19 has really brought front and center is the importance of keeping ourselves and homes extra clean. According to, the virus can live on surfaces like wood, metal, and even paper for up to 5 days.In your quest to keep your home clean and healthy have you looked at your interior paint lately, I mean really looked at it?Over time dust, cooking oils, fingerprints and even sunshine all conspire to tarnish the luster of your once beautiful paint.So here are some “honey-do” tips that can freshen up your house and brighten the interior.Working from the top of the wall downward.
I have found a coarse Swiffer type dust mop works really well. Plus the long extension handles you can purchase helps keeps you safe and off of rickety step ladders.
Make a mild detergent solution from a neutral product like Dreft detergent. Use a microfiber cloth that you can attach to the dust mop head and be sure it is only damp, not dripping with water, as that is not good for your paint and will leave maddening water streaks down your wall.
In the kitchen and dining area, you will find some additional challenges such as; food splatters, grease stains, and maybe some crayon souvenirs from your grandkids. If the stain won’t budge with soapy water, stir up a mixture of baking soda and water. I remember my Mom putting that slurry on my ant bites and bee stings when I was but a wee lad. Don’t scrub hard just use a light circular motion and let the mild abrasive action break down the stain. Also, be sure to wipe the area clean with a damp cloth otherwise your walls could end up looking a bit spotty when the treated area dries.
Hopefully, you kept some interior paint or have the paint code written down somewhere. Grab a small can of Spackle, a putty knife, and some light sandpaper and get into your homeowner fix-it mode. When painting the area don’t be surprised if the color is not spot-on if your paint has not been freshened in some time. If all this sounds great but, you would rather have the pros give your home’s interior a new coat of paint that will last for years then give us a call or send us an email ( ) and SCPC Paint Company would be delighted to provide you a prompt, no-obligation quote.
If you are searching for Sedona licensed painters or, licensed painting contractors near me, we invite you to consider SCPC Painting Company. We have been Sedona’s house painters of choice for over 20 years. We provide both exterior and interior house painting in Sedona, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Page Springs, Village of Oak Creek and Camp Verde.
Office 928-634-1077
Cell 928-821-1645
Tags: sedona licensed house painters, sedona house painters, sedona exterior painting, home painter, sedona interior painting, painting contractor, residential painter, house painters, Insured house painting company, interior house painting. cottonwood licensed house painters, cottonwood house painters, cottonwood exterior painting, home painter, cottonwood interior painting, cottonwood painting contractor, Home Painter, Interior Painting, Professional Painters, Residential Painter
5 Easy Steps to Find A Licensed Painting Contractor
Your house is among your most valuable possessions. The roof over your head brings you comfort and peace of mind. So, protecting your home when choosing a painting contractor is your responsibility.
STEP ONE: Do an Internet search for “Arizona Registrar of Contractors” and click on “Contractor Search”. Type in the name of the painting company and you will be able to easily verify their standing with the state.
STEP TWO: Obtain a Comprehensive Estimate. You should have an item by item quote that aligns with your budget. of course, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
STEP THREE: Never, ever, pay the entire cost of your project upfront no matter how nice the person seems or how heart-wrenching their story. Home improvement SCAM artists abound here in Arizona so, let the buyer be aware!
STEP FOUR: Get a Copy of Their Satisfaction Guarantee Writing. A professional contractor who values your business now and in the future should have no problem with providing complete customer satisfaction in writing.
STEP FIVE: Obtain a verification that their insurance is in force. This protects you and your family, just in case someone is hurt during the work. It’s OK to ask about the safety measures they implement. Making sure the licensed painting contractor has the proper safety steps in place will provide you with peace of mind.
If you are searching for Sedona licensed painters or, licensed painting contractors near me, we invite you to consider SCPC Painting Company. We have been Sedona’s house painters of choice for over 20 years. We provide both exterior and interior house painting in Sedona, Cottonwood, Jerome, Clarkdale, Page Springs, Village of Oak Creek and Camp Verde.
Please feel free to contact us for a comprehensive no-obligation quote for your next house painting project.
House Painters Sedona – Cheap Won’t Save You Money
5 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Homes Residential Exterior Paint
Monsoon downpours, blistering heat, punishing winds, the exterior paint on your house gets a real work out here in Sedona and Cottonwood Arizona.
Here are 5 steps to ensuring that your Sedona or Cottonwood house can stand up to whatever our northern Arizona weather can throw at it.
1) Buy Quality Proven Paint
The big box store, buy in bulk paint just doesn’t cut it. Not only is name brand paint a worthwhile investment but it should also be name brand paint that has proven that it can hold up to our extreme weather for several years.
2) Keep Your Residential Exterior Paint Clean
Power washing the exterior paint is something most folks forget all about. Dirt and dust that becomes trapped in the voids and cracks of your stucco can, when combined with moisture slowly eat away at your exterior paint finish. Power washing every couple of years can make a huge difference in how long your exterior paint finish hold up. By the way, be careful with high power washers. It’s not the high pressure but technique that yields the results.
3) Seal Any Cracks and Paint Promptly
A Stucco exterior is durable but only if you keep up the regular maintenance. Any cracks you discover should be filled, primer applied and then that area painted, if not, then rain moisture can seep in and attack your stucco and walls from the inside out.
4) Like Water Off a Duck’s Back
Your exterior paint should not just protect your house but it can be taken up a notch to literally shed the water right off! Brand name waterproofing paint additives make a night and day difference. Have you have ever treated your windshield and then watched in amazement when the rain turns into little spheres and rolls right off? Well, adding the proper water repellent additive to your residential exterior paint can have similar results. Remember, your house is at war with the elements so giving it every advantage makes sense, right?
5) Do Your Homework and Hire a Licensed and Insured Residential Exterior House Painting Company
If all of this this seems a bit overwhelming consider hiring a professional residential house painting company. Do your homework and make sure that they are licensed and insured and have a solid local reputation.
TAGS: Sedona and Cottonwood Arizona, residential exterior paint, exterior paint, stucco, professional residential house painting company, licensed and insured
Is Your Home’s Exterior Beginning to Look a Bit Sad and Faded?
Sooner or later our harsh Arizona weather will take its toll on the exterior paint of your home, leaving it faded and tired looking. Stucco is the exterior of choice here in Sedona and Cottonwood Arizona and although it is durable it still requires regular maintenance.
Take a close look at the exterior Stucco on your home and you will see myriads of voids, cracks and raised rough patches. Why is this important? Simply put, the surface area of your stucco is far greater than if your home was clad in smooth wood planking.
The rough nature of stucco also allows rain, snow and dust to settle into these crack and voids attacking and wearing down your homes exterior paint. If ignored, the moisture can penetrate the cement causing it to swell and crack leading to even greater problems. Depending on how your house is situated for sun exposure you can expect to need to renew your exterior house paint every five to seven years.
When you have concerns about your homes exterior paint be sure to have a licensed and insured house painting contractor assess the exterior paints condition. This is your home so before you choose a painting company confirm that they are licensed and insured, check with the state to make sure they are in good standing, visit their web site to see if they have testimonials from both home owners and local contractors.
Do they use high quality exterior paint proven to be durable in our climate?
Do they first spray and then manually back roll to force the paint down into the voids and cracks?
Do they carefully cover, tape and wrap not just the windows and doors but anything you have outside such as; patio furniture and how about your barbecue?
Your home is a major investment and no doubt you want it to reflect your pride of ownership therefore, carefully selecting your residential exterior house painters is time well spent!
Sedona SCPC Paint Company Never Takes Any Shortcuts
Preparation is everything and although it takes time and effort the final results speak for themselves!